About Us
…in our own words…

I’m Jenn, and I’m the Mama in this crew. I am a reader and a writer, I like taking photos and memory keeping projects. When we head outside, I love hiking or riding bikes. I like my beaches cold and foggy, and my mountains covered in redwoods. I’ve recently started learning about all the birds in our neighborhood, and I’m practicing my nature photography. A day that doesn’t start with coffee doesn’t really start, and I joke that we’re getting a travel trailer because it’s difficult to keep half and half in a cooler on long road trips. When we aren’t out exploring, I’m a librarian, connecting kids and families with awesome stories.

I’m Nathan, and I don’t drink coffee, which is very unfortunate for Jenn. I like taking photos and videos and collecting the tech that allows all that and going way overboard on the editing, so I need Jenn to tell me it’s done, or else I’ll never publish anything. Sometimes I stay up all night learning stuff about how to make cool videos.

Hi, I’m Miles. I’m currently 11 years old and I love to read. I like video games, cats, books, camping, RVs, and nature. I have one cat and my brother has one as well. I like camping because we can sleep outside in the wilderness, explore in the wilderness, and cook marshmallows. I like traveling because we can explore places while driving, camping, hiking, and biking. I hope to have many adventures during our time with the Alto. Also, Quailsnails are awesome!

My name is Noah and I like video games, food, and cats. My favorite thing about camping is tents because it’s kind of fun living in a different place for a few days. Smores, because of food. I like seeing other places. I like traveling in RVs because it’s basically a house in a vehicle and it’s really cool and fun. Did I mention smores? I like seeing different buildings and people too. I like YouTube. AND RANDOM FACT OF THE WEEK: I like windows. And that’s nine facts about me.